There are insulation contractors and then, there are building envelope professionals.


Our experienced specialists work with general contractors, real estate developers, architects and homeowners to make their construction, renovation, or improvement projects green, economically-friendly and energy efficient.  We perform thorough inspections and assessments, provide clear and practical recommendations, offer the cleanest application of insulation, and accurate air quality and leakage testing.

Top 5 reasons to work with Greenstamp:

  1. Not all insulation companies are also certified HERS raters and building analysts. The Greenstamp staff performs site inspections to diagnose problems and identify opportunities for your project to earn the ENERGY STAR label or become more energy efficient
  2. We handle specialty projects, like Passivhaus (Passive House). There is a shift in approach to building design and construction to achieve a major decrease in heating energy consumption required by the Passive House standard.
  3. For older properties, Greenstamp has extensive experience in deep energy retrofits– the process of making appropriate upgrades and super-insulating a structure to drastically reduce the energy usage for heating and cooling.
  4. We are local, but will travel throughout New England to handle projects in “extreme” environments, like the bitter cold in northern Maine and the high humidity on Cape Cod and the Islands.
  5. Our years of experience and certifications speak for themselves.