Reasons to Insulate Basements
/in Basement, Sound attenuation, Spray Foam Insulation /by nhillA cozy home is a wonderful thing during the cold New England winters and the sweltering summer. A cozy home begins in the basement. Basements can account for about 25 percent of a home’s total heat loss. The large, uninsulated surface area below ground level can allow significant air leakage. An insulated basement plays a […]
Some Pros and Cons of Fiberglass Insulation
/in Fiberglass Insulation, New Construction Insulation, Residential Property, Sound attenuation, vapor barrier /by nhillGreenstamp is best known for spray foam insulation, but as building envelope and insulation specialists, we know the pros and cons of all types of insulation. Fiberglass insulation is a popular option for insulating homes. It’s affordable and relatively quick and easy to install. Three key benefits of fiberglass insulation include: Energy Efficient: Helps reduce […]
Sprayfoam Insulation – Vapor Barrier
/in Crawl Space, Residential Property, Spray Foam Insulation, vapor barrier /by nhillDon’t let this happen to you! A homeowner’s floor above a crawl space was left uninsulated by the original contractor. Over time, the lack of a vapor barrier caused the floor to rot out. The Greenstamp team was called by their new contractor to repair and install the missing insulation and vapor barrier and solve […]
Stricter HERS Ratings Requirements for 2024
/in HERS Ratings, New Construction Insulation, News, Residential Property, Spray Foam Insulation /by nhillNew Homes In Massachusetts Need to Be More Energy Efficient The HERS Rating System is a home energy performance measurement. The rating score provides builders and homeowners an idea of how well a home ranks in terms of energy use and comfort. The lower the score the better. For new residential projects, the HERS Rating […]